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Discover Your Style

Discover Your Style

My personal interests include:
Joining a group of like-minded people
Appreciation of beauty
Financial security
Serving others
Leisure activities I enjoy include:
Thinking about life
Volunteer work
Going to museums
Shopping for myself and friends
Studying new things
My desire for self-improvement may include:
Beautification of myself or surroundings
Security for retirement
Helping others
Additional education
Spiritual growth
The way I would like to contribute to society:
Initiating small community projects
Serving in politics
Protecting the environment
Inventing something important
Helping the disadvantaged
Personal motivators for me include:
Arts and crafts
Being a leader
Continuing my education
Increasing my wealth
Being a good citizen
I am generally:
Daring, talkative, courageous
Patiant, steady, self-controlled
Inventive, individualistic, decisive
Agreeable, reserved, approachable, friendly
Persuasive, convincing, self-assured
I am not at all:
Timid, shy, easilly led
Stubborn, unyielding, extreme
Easilly taken advantage of, exacting, difficult to please
Argumentative, stubborn, uncontrolled
Closed minded, fussy, boring
My friends think I am:
Talkative, chatty, carefree
Modest, considerate, polite
Charming, enthusiastic, confident
Agreeable, quiet, good natured, tranquil
Entertaining, energetic, stimulating
My friends would say I am never:
Fearful, submissive, nonchalant
Restless, intolerant, indecisive
Soft spoken, conventional, disrespectful
Boistrous, argumentative, wise-cracking
Sulky, restless, moody
I admire people who are:
Spiritual leaders